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A reliable source of eye care information.

Dr. Sandra Chiu
Aug 18, 20212 min read
Are your progressive lenses not working for you?
When it comes to lenses, there isn’t a “one size fits all” solution! Lifestyle, career, home-life and your unique priorities all...

Dr. Sandra Chiu
Aug 9, 20213 min read
Can Myopia be Controlled?
Is your child squinting when seeing far away objects? It might be a sign of Myopia. (Click HERE to read about “7 Ways to Tell if Your...

Dr. Sandra Chiu
Aug 4, 20213 min read
7 Ways to Tell if Your Child has Vision Issues
While it's easy to say that a child who never takes their glasses off has a vision issue, it is more difficult to detect the presence of...

Dr. Sandra Chiu
Jul 29, 20212 min read
Are you wearing the right type of lenses?
You’ve just had your eye exam with your optometrist, received your new prescription and are now wondering what type of eyeglass lens is...

Dr. Sandra Chiu
Jul 16, 20211 min read
Will your eyes get sunburned?
With Canada breaking its national heat record this year, have you ever thought about whether your eyes will get sunburned? Yes! They can...

Dr. Sandra Chiu
Jun 13, 20211 min read
How often should I get an eye exam?
Ensuring you receive an annual comprehensive eye exam is critical in maintaining the quality and health of your eyes! While the...

Dr. Sandra Chiu
Jun 8, 20211 min read
What is Blue-Light and do I need Blue-Blocker lenses?
Blue light is naturally emitted by the sun but we are also being exposed to other sources of blue-light through the use of screened...

Dr. Sandra Chiu
Jun 8, 20211 min read
Two things you can do to slow the growth of Cataracts!
June is Cataract awareness month and while there are no known ways to completely prevent cataracts altogether, there are things you can...

Dr. Sandra Chiu
Jan 19, 20211 min read
Two things that you might not know about contact lens
If you wear contact lens on a regular basis, you might have the below quesitons in your mind. CAN I SLEEP WITH MY CONTACTS IN? Most...

Dr. Sandra Chiu
Jan 19, 20211 min read
Eye strain during lockdown? You are not alone!
A recent research in UK has found that 42% of people have noticed their sight deteriorate since March 2020. This should not be...
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